Change Teams? Ohhkay
The Brooklyn Nets wanted to do something special to commemorate Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving joining the team. In order to create the appearance of the players in Nets uniforms, first we built CG players and uniforms to use in a cloth sim. From existing footage, we tracked and reanimated the players, then we ran a cloth sim on the new uniforms and carefully comped them back into video footage.
- Studio
- Client
- Role
- Bonfire
- Brooklyn Nets

Under the Hood
Two Out of Three
The largest challenge in building simulations based on video is that video is only from one point of view. You can clearly see objects moving up (Y) and laterally (X), but you can only guess at depth (Z). If you are recreating complex movements, like say, b-ball players, there’s a lot of guess work involved, which makes simulation much less accurate.